Meet Ilona Winter: Intern at iytro

Meet Ilona Winter: Intern at iytro

As our team grows, we want to make sure you get to know us: here you can meet, Ilona Winter, Intern Assistant Marketing Director at iytro.

Ilona is a recent university graduate. Both French and Luxembourgish she spent her entire life in Luxembourg. However, she decided to relocate to Paris for her bachelors degree in seek of new cultural and educational experiences. She graduated from ESSEC Business School with a speciliazation in marketing and communications.

Why Did You Choose a Career in Marketing?

As a student, I enjoyed business courses but found marketing particularly engaging since it allowed for creativity within a strategic framework. My first experience was FinTech startup Mangopay, I was Community Manager and helped establish their first social media strategy for Linkedin. This is how it all started. During my time at Mangopay, I felt I had only seen one angle of marketing since I was part of an in-house team. Marketing is very broad and I was curious to gain experience in other marketing roles. And because I knew I wanted to enroll in a masters program later on, I wanted a more holistic view before committing to a specific track.

Why Did You Choose to Intern at iytro?

When I was looking for marketing internships online, iytro immediately stood out to me. It was unique. Providing part-time CMO support to companies of all sizes across many sectors presented the diverse hands-on experience I was looking for.

I was drawn to that. The promise of gaining exposure to strategic challenges and creative solutions from various perspectives, rather than focusing on one specific industry or product category was exactly what I was looking for.

iytro provided real learning experiences and a sort of built-in mentorship from working with CMOs. To put it short, I chose to intern at iytro because it gave me the opportunity to gain clarity on my career path by exposing me to all areas of marketing.

What Are the Main Things You Have Learned?

I’ve spent 6 months at iytro and I've gained skills with specialized tools like Ahrefs and Figma that have expanded my marketing toolkit. I've conducted comprehensive marketing audits analyzing SEO, content, website analytics, and more.

The variety of projects (social media, copywriting, audits visual creation) has helped me understand how all these functions work together to meet business goals.

From time management to public speaking to leadership I learned it all. Being given many responsibilities and exchanging directly with clients helped me gain confidence may it be with public speaking but also with taking the lead on certain topics and tasks. Managing multiple clients in different industries and languages also required strict management which I did not have before coming here.  

What Do You Want to Do After Your Internship?

Now that I have a clearer post-graduation path thanks to my experience at iytro. I plan to refine my practical marketing abilities in a skills-focused master's program with subjects like video editing, graphic design, and copywriting for media. But before I go back to school, I’m backpacking through South America for a few months.

What Would You Say to Others Considering Interning at iytro?

I would say to anyone considering interning at iytro to do it. An internship at iytro guarantees a boost in your skills and experience. You will be working with multiple clients all with different products or services in different industries which you will learn a lot about different markets and strategies. Because of that we say that one year at iytro is like three to five years at a regular company.

Not only do you have multiple projects but the team is also a bonus. They are experts in their field and will take you under their wing to help you grow. It’s challenging work but it's fun and rewarding. In a short six months, I gained hard skills and soft skills that will help me in my future career.

So, my advice would be to do it!

If you're interested in working with one of our part-time CMOs or becoming one, Get in Touch.

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